Tzedakah (Charity) & Offerings

Help support Derech HaMashiach and your Messianic community
Charities supported by Derech HaMashiach

Our approach

Derech HaMashiach is a not-for-profit association that relies on membership fees and offerings to support this important work. We don’t push tithes and offering messages, but we do teach responsible and accountable use of finances from a Torah perspective.

How to support this work

If you feel led to support this work, you can give an offering at one of our meetings or make a secure donation online. You will have the option for both Tzedakah (Charity) and/or Offerings.

Warehouse of donations and food to be delivered to people in need

Who we support

At Derech HaMashiach we support a number of local and overseas organisations and ministries that we have relationships with and that we know are making a difference at the grass roots level.

What is Tzedakah

Tzedakah (charity) is at the heart of Messianic Judaism, it is one of the ways to express Gemilut Hasidim (Acts of loving kindness). Yeshua told us “Do not store up for yourselves wealth here on earth, where moths and rust destroy, and burglars break in and steal" (Matthew 6:19 CJB). The Talmud echoes His teachings on this subject. It is for this reason that we support a number of local and overseas charities

You can give your Tzedakah directly at one of our meetings, but please put it in an envelope marked Tzedakah, or you can make a donation via our online secure form.

How to become a member
Join the Derech HaMashiach community.
Our community culture and values
Join us every Shabbat
In person or
Love Hashem. Follow Yeshua. Live Torah.
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