Shabbat Meeting Times

At Derech HaMashiach we cultivate an environment of prayer, worship, fellowship and learning.

Shabbat day outline

As a Kehilla (community / congregation) we gather together every Shabbat morning and welcome all those who wish to join us for Shacharit and Torah Service, followed by a light fellowship lunch and then our Torah study.

Our Torah Service

Our Torah service follows the yearly reading cycle based on the calendar that mainstream Judaism uses. We read and study the Torah Parashah that millions of others (both Jew and Grafted-In Gentile) study every week. This is an opportunity to learn G-d’s Word through teaching and respectful discussion.

Shabbat Day Fellowship

Doors Open: 10:20am

Shacharit and Torah Service

10:30 am to 12:30 pm

Shacharit (Morning Prayers) and Torah Service

This is a liturgical prayer service based on the first (morning) prayer of the three daily prayers of Judaism, which typically line up with the Temple services (if it were still standing). The Morning Prayers are followed by the Torah Service, which includes reading from the Torah, the Haftarah (the Prophets) and the Brit Chasdashah (the Renewed Testament).

Torah Study

12:30 pm to 1:00 pm

We follow the annual Torah reading cycle and study the Parashah (Torah Portion) for that week.

Lunch and Fellowship

1:00 pm to 3:30 pm

Lunch followed by Fellowship, Study and/or Worship Time (finish no later than 3:30pm).

Our Approach

Our service times are specifically tailored for those who have, or are, embracing the walk of Messianic Judaism, and wish to join us on this exciting journey, and visitors are always welcome. We are establishing a unique environment with a mix of Hebrew and English that will allow everyone to participate and draw closer to G-d individually and as well as a community.

Great for First Timers
Great for First Timers
Statement of Faith
Torah Connect Groups
Torah Connect Groups
Love Hashem. Follow Yeshua. Live Torah.
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