Vision & Focus

A community of believers passionate about living like our Rabbi Yeshua HaMashiach.
View through stone archway onto blue beach

Our Vision

To be a community of Believers living a Torah focused lifestyle, with an emphasis on unity with G-d, doing Torah together with joy, and loving kindness, based on Messianic Judaism, in loving obedience to our beloved Rebbe Yeshua of Nazareth, so as to hasten the day of the Geulah (His return and the redemption of all Israel). A community that will be in fellowship with each other and embrace those, both within and outside the community who wish to know more about the G-d of Israel and His ways.

Our Focus

The Torah, the Tanakh and the Apostolic Writings (or Brit Chadashah, also known as the New Testament) in the context of the Judaism from the time of Yeshua (Jesus) and His talmidim (disciples). These are the foundations of Messianic Judaism.

Through our Beit Midrash, study time on Shabbat and during Torah Connect, we endeavour to establish an environment of learning that will equip Believers in G-d from all religious affiliations and deepen their understanding of the Apostolic Writings and Messianic Judaism, enabling them to make a choice about embracing a Torah centred lifestyle, to whichever level they are able.

As we study together, we will uncover a deeper understanding of the relevance of the covenant of Avraham to all Believers, whether of Jewish or Gentile origin, but in particular the Gentile Believers, based on Rav Shaul’s (Apostle Paul’s) teachings on being grafted in and being children of Avraham.

A talmid is not above his rabbi; but each one, when he is fully trained, he will be like his rabbi

Luke 6:40 (CJB*)
Great for First Timers
Great for First Timers
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*Taken from the Complete Jewish Bible by David H. Stern. Copyright © 1998. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Messianic Jewish Publishers, 6120 Day Long Lane, Clarksville, MD 21029.

Love Hashem. Follow Yeshua. Live Torah.
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